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Monday, August 02, 2010
  Arch Linux with XFCE4.6, LXDE DE.
I been using Arch Linux for 2 weeks now. I was attracted to Arch due to its KISS Approach and the desire for a truly minimal + blazingly fast Linux Disto. Arch was a natural choice. 

My laptop is a Dell Inspiron 6400 (T5500 Core2Duo, 1G DDR2, 80G HDD, ATI Chipset with Intel Pro Wireless).

My arch installation is a minimal arch installation using the Core packages. Installation from core pkgs went without any issues. All hardware was automatically detected. I used netcfg to initially configure my wireless profiles but now use Wicd for auto wireless connection (mainly due to its gui client). I also installed X, Xfce4.6, LXDE, Fluxbox for DEs, MPLAYER and Xine for codecs and multimedia playback, Chromium as my primary browser and netsurf as my secondary browser. For the FileManager, I use LXDE Project's PcManFM (0.9.7) as my primary fm with thunar and xfv from time to time.

. Truly minimal and customized Installation with blazing fast Xfce4.6 DE.
. Pacman is magic - a blackbox that just works
. Maintaining is proving to be really easy and also learnt a lot in the process.
. No more Windows and its associated crap.

. Nightmare trying to show/mount internal partitions  without adding an entry in /etc/fstab (with PcManFm, Thunar, Rox filemanager -- More on this in my next post.
. IPod is not recognized - Working on this issue - will post when I resolve this.
. No GUI menu editor, have to work with command line, .desktop and configuration files for customizing menus.

I primarily use Xfce4 as my DE and so far am loving it. 

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