cluelessdrifting ... where are you coming from?
Friday, November 25, 2005
  Mounting .ISO files as a loop device in Linux.
With the ever increasing choice of Linux distributions, I hate to burn ‘n waste those CDs, just to try out a distro. Though I use an RW disc most of the time, there are times when I hate burning even those, especially when the .ISO file in question is part of a package/optional CD set (containing extra software that can be added on top of the base system) and hence need not be booted from.

Case in point: The Gentoo packages CD that one can use, to install pre-built binaries /group packages. This is especially useful when installing huge binaries such as Kde,Gnome, Openoffice, etc. as an alternative to compiling them from source.

Here is what I do to install the software directly from the .ISO instead of burning it on the .CD. What’s more, doing it this way is much faster too without the significant overhead of reading it from media.

#mkdir /packages
#mount –t iso9660 /root/gentoo-packages-amd64-2005.1.iso /packages –o loop

And here is how I install the software from the .ISO file:

#export PKGDIR=/packages
#emerge --usepkg gnome

No more wasted CD’s and no more long waits.

ya.. rt.. evne there r couple of utils for Windows.. I heard Alcohol 120% does it well.

This template is simple and perfect man :)
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