So, I've resumed my blog after 5 long years to note my new experiences with Linux.
Yes, All these years of using Windows (XP), I got infected (drive by exploit) with the nasty FakeAV antivirus for the first time in 11 years. of keeping my Windows all patched up with the latest frameworks, antivirus, antispyware etc.
I also noticed that my beloved ancient laptop (Dell Inspiron 6400, Core 2 Duo T5000 with 1G DDR2) of 4 years could'nt handle XP anymore. XP is now more bloated than ever before burdened with DotNet frameworks and its patches, Antivirus, Antispyware, etc.
Though I had Jaunty (Ubuntu 9.04) lying around as a dual-boot install, I hardly ever booted into it. So I decided for the first time in many years to start using Linux as my primary desktop instead. After doing an in-place upgrade from Jaunty to Lucid, my linux chronicles resumes..